Brands have the opportunity to further enhance the health of Tunisians by targeting the physical health market, helping enhance factors such as sleep and physical fitness, etc.
Health and wellness conscious consumers in Tunisia can accelerate the recovery, which is good news for brands.
With one of the most advanced healthcare systems in Africa, Tunisia has reached a level of quality that has benefited both its rural and urban populations immensely. The country has a life expectancy of 74 years, with citizens and residents enjoying near universal access to basic healthcare as well as free services provided through state-owned health facilities. On par with many European nations, Tunisia has been able to get health coverage for over 90% of its population, while also ensuring accessibility through expanding private clinics with a goal of 75 new clinics by 2025. The country has been dedicated to eradicating and controlling deadly diseases, such as Malaria, polio, etc. and has been successful in controlling the COVID-19 pandemic due to its ability to absorb the influx of cases and address the situation through rigorous lockdown measures.
Our Kasi Insight tracker - Retail in Tunisia - Health and Wellness Survey conducted in January of 2022 amongst 205 respondents, sets out to understand how individuals manage their health and wellness, while also seeking any patterns/habits amongst respondents on their perception of health and wellness. The findings present strong support in regards to Tunisia’s success in the healthcare sector, through demonstrating generally healthy habits and positive perceptions from the respondents.
Consumers in Tunisia are feeling good about their health and wellness
Respondents displayed a strong positive outlook towards their health, with 52% stating their health was good and 29% stating that their health was very good. Amongst age groups, this remained true, with the only exception being those of 65+ years, of which 42% (the majority) stated fair as expected as ageing often brings about health complications. Interestingly, middle aged respondents (45-54 year old's) felt more confident about their health as compared to other, even younger age groups, as demonstrated by 62% stating that their health was good.
Furthermore, across genders both males (52%) and females (52%) equally felt that their health was good. These findings suggest that Tunisians feel that they are healthy people and their age and genders do not significantly affect this stance. This can be further supported by the fact that 52% of respondents did not feel that their health and wellbeing had changed from a year ago, demonstrating that this was a stance that has been held in Tunisia over the years.
The adoption of healthy habits and lifestyles are drivers of a positive outlook on health
Digging further into the idea of health generally being perceived as good amongst Tunisian respondents, it is important to understand how this is maintained. Tunisians have a healthy diet, with 28% eating at least 2 servings per day and 27% eating at least 2 servings of vegetables every day. Other habits related to health also demonstrate a healthy lifestyle, with 38% non-smokers, and 38% non-drinkers (alcoholic beverages). While this could be as a result of religious beliefs, these findings are still important to note as they contribute to the overall health and wellness in the country; this is especially the case as majority of respondents do not carry out any weekly physical activities (light, moderate or vigorous) and therefore are mostly healthy by virtue of their diets and healthy habits. Respondents felt that overall their physical health over the last 6 months has decreased, suggesting that consumers in Tunisia are on the hunt for products that can add benefits to their physical health (sleep, physical fitness, etc.).
In general, respondents had seen a doctor between 3 to 6 months prior for COVID-19 testing (51%), followed by discussing smoking (26%). Testing for COVID-19 as we know, is vital for the containment and control of the spread of the virus, therefore these numbers demonstrate how Tunisia was able to absorb and control the influx in cases. Additionally, from those that did smoke, it becomes evident that there is support from health providers to enable better habits for these Tunisians. Generally, treatments for serious illnesses such as cancer and diabetes were less sought after by respondents, suggesting possible lower levels of such illnesses.
Tapping into the health and wellness conscious consumers, can drive growth for brands
Even with the COVID-19 pandemic pushing into its third year, health and wellness in Tunisia has not been severely impacted and individuals are seeking treatments and services to reduce the risks/symptoms of COVID-19 as well as other health conditions. Tunisia’s healthcare sector is supported by the population as they maintain healthy habits and lifestyles. Periodic insights like these prove to be vital in understanding the general health and wellness landscape of any country, as shocks such as this pandemic can have major domino effects on the healthcare system as seen in other countries.
For Tunisians, already established healthy habits and lifestyles supported and encouraged by healthcare providers, has helped them absorb the effects of the pandemic and will inevitably position them in a good position to take on other diseases/viruses. Brands have the opportunity to further enhance the health of Tunisians by targeting the physical health market, helping enhance factors such as sleep and physical fitness, etc. Knowing where the gaps are in the market as understood through such insights from consumers, can help brands/businesses enter the market with confidence.
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