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Segun Sunmonu

Generational Contrasts: How Gen Z and Millennials in Nigeria Addressed COVID-19 Challenges

In light of the unprecedented challenges brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, Kasi Insight initiated a comprehensive monthly tracking program. The tracker diligently covered the period from March to December 2020 and continued into February, April, July, and October 2021. At its core, the tracker aimed to deliver an in-depth analysis of the far-reaching impact of the pandemic on various facets of individuals' lives, including their activities, evolving priorities, and fluctuations in income.

Anxiety, TV time, family bonds and reading escapes

In Nigeria, confronted with the imperative to find alternative ways to invest their time meaningfully during the pandemic, respondents exhibited creative strategies. According to the survey, 66% of respondents allocated a significant portion of their time to worrying about the future and watching television. Additionally, 62% prioritized spending time with family, while 59% believed that immersing themselves in reading activities was a valuable coping mechanism.

Interestingly, distinct generational perspectives surfaced, with 60% and 52% of Gen Z expressing concern about the future and television watching, respectively. This contrasts with the 68% of Millennials who were concerned about the future and utilized television to adapt to evolving lifestyles during the Covid-19 pandemic. Significantly, 65% of Millennials spent more time with their families compared to 46% of Gen Zers. In terms of adopting reading, 48% of Gen Zers engaged in reading compared to 61% of Millennials.

Local exploration took center stage amidst the pandemic

Reflecting on the shifts in holiday or leisure travel plans since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, a prominent trend emerged. There was a heightened emphasis across all demographics on exploring local tourist sites for the first time, indicative of a widespread preference for nearby experiences. This inclination persisted among Millennials, where a considerable number shifted their approach, choosing to refrain from travel or visiting tourist destinations—a distinct departure from pre-pandemic habits. Additionally, there was a discernible interest among Millennials in diversifying travel experiences across the African continent, suggesting a desire for regional exploration.

In parallel, the Gen Z demographic aligned with the overall trend, expressing a significant interest in visiting local tourist sites for the first time. Noteworthy, however, was their unique preference for road trips to local tourist destinations, signaling a distinctive adaptation in holiday and leisure travel preferences influenced by the prevailing global landscape. Conversely, a notable proportion of Gen Z chose to abstain from travel or visiting tourist destinations altogether.

During times of crisis, brands that are agile, empathetic, and responsive to changing consumer behaviors can strengthen their connections with the audience

In times of crisis like the pandemic, brands must adapt to the shifts in consumer behavior for strategic resilience. Understanding how individuals allocate their time and reprioritize provides invaluable guidance for brands navigating the uncertainties associated with such periods. Strategically aligning products and services with coping mechanisms becomes essential, offering solutions that contribute to stress relief, entertainment, or family bonding as consumers seek comfort and support.

Recognizing variations in generational perspectives is crucial, with family-oriented messaging resonating for Millennials, while adaptable and experiential offerings, such as road trip-friendly products, may appeal to Gen Z. As the emphasis on local exploration grows, brands can pivot marketing strategies to highlight and support local businesses, capitalizing on the heightened interest in nearby experiences. Enhanced digital engagement is key, given the substantial time consumers spend online during crises, providing opportunities for compelling content, interactive experiences, and digital products. Brands in the travel and tourism sector can respond to shifting travel plans by offering flexible solutions, promoting local destinations, and implementing policies that accommodate changing travel preferences.

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