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Covid-19 Impact on Africa and China's Economy

Updated: Sep 14, 2023

August 2020--

In this paper, we focused on tracking COVID-19 impact with consumer sentiment data both in China and Africa and gauge the effectiveness of the monetary policy, stimulus, or other measures used by regulators through CCI. Then we considered the importance of consumer confidence to provide some vital signals for current and other potential investors.

Key Takeaways

  • A prolonged global slowdown, combined with continued lockdowns in Africa, could plunge the continent into its first economic recession in 25 years.

  • While China-Africa bilateral trade has been steadily increasing for the past 16 years, it is heavily imbalanced with a large deficit in the first half of 2020.

  • Chinese consumer confidence has fluctuated as COVID-19 has progressed, but recently it is leveling owing to dozens of supporting and preferential policies.

  • Although stay-at-home restrictions have been lifted, most consumers still feel the pull toward a “homebody economy.”

The entire report can be downloaded here


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