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4 ways of crafting a Winning Marketing Campaign for Beauty Products in Kenya: (Millennial Audience)

Updated: Sep 14, 2023

In the competitive world of beauty products, effectively reaching and engaging with the target audience is crucial for success. For a brand targeting millennial consumers, both male and female, it is essential to identify the most effective advertising channels. To assist in deploying a successful marketing campaign, this article explores the valuable insights provided by the Media Tracker Survey done in Kenya by Kasi Insight. By understanding the preferences and trust levels associated with different media channels, the brand can make informed decisions to connect with their audience and drive growth.

TV’s resilience:

While digital channels dominate the world, traditional media still holds sway in Kenya. The survey indicates that 30% of females and 32% of males consider TV as their most trusted source of information. Incorporating compelling TV advertisements into the marketing campaign can effectively capture the attention of millennials, especially during prime-time slots or through targeted advertising during popular shows.

Digital Dominance:

Digital channels prove to be highly influential when it comes to reaching millennials. About 17% of females and 15% of males trust online sources. Online platforms such as YouTube and TikTok garnered relatively low trust percentages. Instead, platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter demonstrate higher levels of trust among millennials, with percentages ranging from 4% to 6% for males and females. So, crafting captivating and visually appealing content that aligns with the brand's values and resonates with the target audience is crucial for success on the various platforms.

Understanding Trust and Information Sources:

According to the survey friends/family recommendations emerged as the most trusted source for information among both male and female respondents. But in the millennial category, friends and family recommendations emerged with 8% of females and 9% of males considering it as their primary information source. This highlights the importance of word-of-mouth marketing and the power of personal connections in influencing purchase decisions within the millennial demographic.

Harnessing the Power of Influencers:

The survey also highlights the influence of social media influencers and celebrities on millennials. Both females and males placed relatively high trust percentages (3% to 4%) on influencers, indicating the potential of influencer partnerships in reaching and engaging the target audience. Collaborating with influencers who align with the brand's values and have a dedicated following among millennials can significantly enhance brand awareness and credibility.

Other Effective Channels:

Billboards, in-store displays/ads/competitions/raffles, and radio also showed promise as advertising channels. In-store displays, brand activations, and competitions have proven to be effective channels for 2% to 3% of males and females. Additionally, billboards and radio can also play a role in capturing the attention of millennials during their daily commutes or leisure activities. Although offline marketing has received fewer mentions compared to online platforms, it still provides opportunities for targeted local campaigns and creative activations.


Based on these Kasi insights, beauty brands’marketing campaign should focus on a multi-channel approach that integrates online platforms, influencer partnerships, traditional media, and targeted local activations. By leveraging friends/family recommendations, collaborating with influential personalities, and creating captivating content, the brand can effectively engage with millennial consumers in Kenya's competitive beauty market. With a thorough understanding of consumer preferences and trust levels, the brand is well-equipped to deploy a successful marketing campaign and unlock growth opportunities in the weeks to come.

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